Be watchful and control yourselves. Your enemy the devil is like a roaring lion. He prowls around looking for someone to swallow up.
1 Peter 5:8 (NIRV)
Often we are so comfortable in our Christian lives that we neglect the place of God's word in our lives and our decisions. We believe that we are spiritually strong enough to be safe from our adversary's subtle attacks aimed at destroying us. When the adversary attacks us, he does so not where we are on guard, but more often where we are weak or where we are not paying attention.
By adversary or enemy, depending on your Bible version, Peter means Satan himself. Before warning us of what Satan is trying to do, Peter begins by asking us to be sober or moderate and vigilant, that is, not to let ourselves be carried away by our emotions and the passions of this world. By vigilance, he tells us to always be ready at all times to resist the devil. Peter uses this same phrase “Sober” in chapter 4:7.
A Christian has the responsibility to watch over his actions, his words and his attitude, otherwise the devil will not hesitate to devour him. Most often, it is in these aspects that the adversary seeks to bring us down. He waits until we are angry to act, not only to demean us in front of others, but also to cause them to see us at our worst and reject us. These are subtle elements that he uses to ensnare us. Do not fall prey to your enemy, but rather be filled with the Spirit and he will flee from you.
May the grace and peace of God be with you all.