I can do all this through him who gives me strength.
Philippians 4:13 (NIV)
Our circumstances are constantly changing, but God never changes.
What Paul saying in this verse is that no matter what your circumstances are, you can learn to be content, or fulfill, because Paul knows how to get along with humble means or live in prosperity. He has learned in every circumstance the secret of making it through abundance and need.
As believer, it is important to rely on God’s strength even where others are ready to help you during difficult times. Because God have a plan for you. Don't get involve while He's working behind the scenes, because your strength will fail you, but God’s strength won’t.
Being content is not easy, especially when you are living in lack, not having anything, and trying to trust God to provide your needs. Even if we can't understand it, God is more glorified when we are content in trials than when we are content with blessings.
I want to tell you today that you can make it through Christ because you are a child of the most high God.
May God bless you all!