So the Lord gave to Israel all the land of which He had sworn to give to their fathers, and they took possession of it and dwelt in it.
Joshua 21:43 (NKJV)
One of the phrases I often hear from Christians is, “God made me a promise and I am waiting for Him.” The Bible is full of examples of God’s promises, but we all forget what those promises require of us. The book of Joshua reveals this key point, namely God’s promise of the Promised Land to Israel and Israel’s taking possession of that land. This is what we always forget, when God makes a promise to give us something, it is up to us to take possession of the object of that promise.
Even when God made the promise to Israel, they had to take possession of the object of that promise: the land of Canaan. If God promises to give you something, He will certainly not fail to keep His part of the promise. But what are you doing to take possession of it? The Bible tells us that without faith it is impossible to please God, which includes not taking possession of His promise because of a lack of faith.
What God gives, He gives by grace, but only faith can receive or take possession of what He gives, which is the promise. God designed things so that we use our faith to take possession of His promises. Remember, the righteous shall live by faith. Living by faith means trusting God day in and day out, knowing that He will fulfill His promise to take care of you. The difference between a promise and a possession is that God will always keep His part, but it is up to you to take possession of what He has promised. If not, the promise will always remain unfulfilled and it will not be His fault.
May the grace and peace of God be with you all.