When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, He said, It is finished: and He bowed His head, and gave up the ghost.
John 19:30 (KJV)
It's always frustrating to start a project and not be able to finish it as planned. Often, the obstacles we encounter do not depend on us but on the situations around us. But, instead of persisting, we prefer to give reason to the obstacle and abandon our project without any plan to continue it. Blessed be God, Jesus Christ, despite all the obstacles encountered in fulfilling the will of the Father to ensure our salvation, never gave up.
By His death on the cross, He perfectly accomplished the work for which He was sent and by which we have been saved. By His last words "It is finished", He proved that no obstacle could prevent Him from bringing us God's forgiveness and giving us life. This did not mean that He no longer had anything to do for us. Rather, it was that His plan had been perfectly executed.
If His words were the end of His suffering, for us it was the beginning of a new life, of a new relationship with God. The work of redemption that the father had entrusted to Him was accomplished through this cry. For Him, it was a cry of victory for the sinners that we are. We cannot add anything to this sacrifice. We can only accept it by faith in Jesus, because His death was enough to guarantee us God's salvation. For you, Jesus Christ did not let himself be carried away by obstacles, it is your turn now not to let yourself be carried away by yours to refuse his sacrifice.
May the grace and peace of God be with you all.