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Writer's pictureJ.J. Papin

The Meaning of Love

This is My command: Love one another as I have loved you. No one has greater love than this, that someone would lay down his life for his friends.

John 15:12-13 (HCSB)

One day I was teaching about Jesus' love for us and how we can love others like Christ. After the class, people would ask me how to love others like Christ. It was as if they had the will and the motivation but didn't know how to do it. When I opened the Bible to show them the teaching of Jesus Christ, they all backed away, convinced that no one could do it.

I explained to them that the love that Christ speaks of has nothing to do with emotion, it is simply wanting the best for others, putting up with them despite their bad attitude and responding to their needs when they call on us. Emotion is what we feel inside that makes us want to be with these people and think of them from time to time. The example that Christ gives us is centered on the meaning of sacrifice for the happiness of those we love.

Have you ever given money or done something for someone you don’t even know, who keeps thanking you every time they meet you? Your action is love and their attitude is gratitude. You see, loving others is not difficult, you just have to show them affection when they need it, care for them when they are suffering and help them understand the way to salvation through your attitude. The example of Christ is what we must follow to change the world around us.

May the grace and peace of God be with you all.

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