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The Spirit of Job

Writer: Kettly Bien-AiméKettly Bien-Aimé

The Spirit of God has made me,

And the breath of the Almighty gives me life.

Job 33:4 (NKJV)

This verse explains how God, in His permissive will, allowed Satan to attack Job's life. For this, Satan took the opportunity to prove to Job that God is unfaithful and lead him to renounce his faith in Him. Yet, despite the gravity of his situation, Job remained faithful to God and his faith in him. He neither blamed nor cursed the name of God. Instead, he sought refuge in God without knowing that his trial came from Him.

Often when we go through difficult times, we tend to stray from our spiritual ground. We say that God does not care about us, that He has abandoned us, and for this we seek comfort elsewhere. Let me tell you this, the next time you think God doesn't care about you, ask yourself who gave you life and the ability to think. Wasn't it God who gave you the brain that allows you to function?

I want to remind you that you and I do not exist by chance. If, even at a time of great suffering, Job recognized that he was created by God for a specific purpose, today we have reason to believe even more. Job did not have the word of God to guide him, but he knew that the Spirit of God was in control of his situation. You and I have Jesus Christ who gave himself for us and through whom we have eternal life, it is a grace. So, just like Job, God knows you and has chosen you to manifest His glory through your trials. When life gets difficult, don't give up and blame God, but start praising Him for life and the air you breathe. Trust him and he will help you get through it.

May the grace and peace of God be with you all.

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1 Comment

Mar 16, 2024

Thank you Lord for life and for the air that I'm breathing. this message is really powerful it reinforce my soul this morning.

thank you y'all so much for always providing message from God and I pray the Lord continue using y'all.

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