And walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma.
Ephesians 5:2 (NASB)
Worldly love is selfish, giving little in the expectation of receiving much from others. On the contrary, Godly love is pleasant. It produces in us joy, peace, confidence and self-sacrifice for the happiness of others. It takes their needs into account, seeking to satisfy them without expecting anything in return.
Even though the Bible teaches us how to walk in love, you cannot develop it or manifest it without the help of the Holy Spirit. You need to ask God to help you because by trying to do it on your own, the enemy will do everything he can to prevent you from loving your brothers as Christ loves us.
Whatever God does for his children, Satan always tries to do the opposite to bring them down or turn them away. God gave us proof of His love through Jesus Christ to teach us what true love is and how to show it to others. Satan works very hard to counterfeit the love of God. Only those who walk in the spirit can develop this love and manifest it through their lives.