Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you,” declares the Lord.
Jeremiah 1:8 (NIV)
I remember a young girl in my congregation who was given a revelation by the Holy Spirit for the pastor who was going on a trip to preach at another church. The girl came to me to tell me that he shouldn't make this trip. She admitted to me that she was afraid to speak directly to the pastor for fear of being rejected because of her position as a simple member compared to that of the pastor, the main leader of our assembly.
Even though I encouraged her, she didn't do it. Two days later, while the pastor was returning from the trip, he had an accident and broke his knee, which left him bedridden for two months. Because of his young age, Jeremiah had this same fear of rejection when God sent him to the people to announce his oracles. Seeing his fears, the Lord reassured him by telling him that He would be with him to help him. Age does not matter in God's eyes, He chooses who He wants, how He wants to accomplish His will.
Have you ever received a message from the Lord that you are afraid to share because you are too young or you think you are not spiritual enough to tell someone? If so, the next time this happens, remember Jeremiah, Isaiah, and Moses. They all found a reason to refuse God's call and mission in their lives. But they never prevailed with the Lord, for He always provided for their lack. If the Lord gives you a message or a gift to edify His people, do not be afraid, He will also give you the means to accomplish it.
May the grace and peace of God be with you all.